Monday 28 August 2017

My little secret forex trading system

DecisionBar Trading Software mengambil kerja keras dari trading Mengapa Perangkat Lunak Pengambilan Keputusan Berpromosi terhadap apa yang mungkin telah Anda ceritakan, belajar berdagang seperti seorang profesional TIDAK sulit atau rumit dan TIDAK memerlukan pelatihan yang panjang atau perangkat lunak yang rumit dan mahal. Sebenarnya, semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk berhasil menukar pasar ada di tangga lagu. Sementara banyak metode perdagangan lainnya benar-benar mengaburkan apa yang ditunjukkan oleh bagan (sehingga Anda dapat menjual kursus dan produk perdagangan yang mahal), DecisionBar Trading Software memungkinkan bagan berbicara kepada Anda dengan jelas, dan menyajikan peta pasar untuk membantu Anda. Bisa membuat keputusan trading yang cerdas. Bila Anda memiliki alat yang tepat dan informasi yang akurat, dikombinasikan dengan pelatihan dan dukungan profesional yang luar biasa, mencapai tujuan trading Anda menjadi lebih mudah - dan lebih cepat - daripada yang bisa Anda bayangkan Thats what DecisionBar Trading Software. Jika akhirnya Anda menyadari bahwa untuk membuat perdagangan uang SERIUS, Anda harus serius memikirkan bagaimana Anda melakukannya, maka kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan banyak pedagang di seluruh dunia yang telah menjadikan Trading Software sebagai pusat dari gudang perdagangan mereka. Sebagian besar calon trader saat ini telah lolos dari hal-hal mendasar. Mereka juga tergoda oleh seseorang yang menjual sistem rahasia atau robot investasi otomatis, yang menjanjikan untuk membuat mereka kaya dalam semalam, atau mereka merasa terintimidasi oleh beberapa Guru yang memproklamirkan diri mengatakan bahwa mereka mungkin bisa sukses sendiri. Sebagian besar metode dan program perangkat lunak lainnya membanjiri Anda dengan indikator yang tak terhitung jumlahnya (lihat bagan di bawah) yang memberi sinyal membingungkan dan bertentangan. Ini berjalan dengan baik untuk melatih perusahaan agar bisa mendaftarkan diri dalam kelas dan kursus yang mahal dan panjang. Apakah Anda mencoba membuat keputusan perdagangan yang cerdas dengan grafik yang terlihat seperti ini Dengan serangkaian indikator berbeda yang memberi sinyal yang bertentangan pada waktu yang berbeda. Cukuplah untuk membuat Anda gila DecisionBar Trading Software dirancang khusus untuk menghilangkan kebingungan dan kompleksitas ini dan memberi Anda sinyal perdagangan yang jelas dan dapat ditindaklanjuti. Sebagai trader DecisionBar Anda juga akan belajar berpikir seperti trader profesional. Pedagang wannabe mencoba memprediksi pergerakan pasar berikutnya. Pedagang yang sukses memiliki rencana tindakan tidak peduli ke arah mana pasar bergerak. Pedagang wannabe mencoba memilih atasan dan pantat. Pedagang yang sukses terus-menerus mengajukan satu pertanyaan: Apakah saya berada di sisi kanan pasar? Tidak masalah jika Anda memperdagangkan saham, opsi, ETF, futures atau mata uang. DecisionBar Trading Software bekerja dengan berkonsentrasi pada prinsip dasar yang berlaku untuk SEMUA pasar. DecisionBar Trading Software adalah alat perdagangan yang memungkinkan Anda melihat pasar pilihan Anda dengan kejelasan yang luar biasa. Sekarang, mari kita jelaskan disini. DecisionBar bukanlah sistem mindless dimana Anda hanya mengikuti sinyal dan menjadi kaya. Itu akan menyenangkan, tapi dunia tidak bekerja seperti itu. DecisionBar adalah alat perdagangan yang digunakan oleh pedagang sukses di seluruh dunia yang, pada titik tertentu, memutuskan untuk serius mewujudkan kesuksesan yang telah mereka cari, dan menyadari bahwa mereka dijadikan korban oleh industri perdagangan yang lebih peduli dengan keuntungan mereka daripada bisnis Anda. Sukses trading Isnt it time to Stop the Insanity Jika Anda berada pada titik di mana kegagalan TIDAK BUKAN pilihan, dan Anda siap melakukan apapun yang diperlukan untuk memulai trading secara menguntungkan, Anda akan mendapati DecisionBar Trading Software menghirup udara segar yang telah Anda cari. Simak kesederhanaan murni dan POWER DecisionBar dalam Aksi Hal pertama dulu. Apa itu DecisionBar A DecisionBar adalah candlestick tertentu di chart candlestick, atau bar tertentu pada chart bar, yang menyajikan peluang perdagangan alami. Sebuah perdagangan yang sinkron dengan pasar. DecisionBar bekerja pada setiap interval chart. Ini sama efektifnya pada grafik harian dan mingguan seperti pada grafik intraday. DecisionBar juga bekerja pada grafik tick dan volume serta grafik range dan Renko. Saat menggunakan DecisionBars, waktu dan arah perdagangan potensial telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Yang tersisa untuk Anda lakukan adalah mengevaluasi risiko dan menentukan apakah Anda ingin melakukan perdagangan. Sinyal DecisionBar hanya dihasilkan saat perangkat lunak menghitung bahwa kemungkinan pergerakan ke arah sinyal lebih besar dari 50. Tonton DecisionBar dalam tindakan dengan meletakkan mouse Anda di atas grafik di bawah ini. Yang Anda benar-benar harus tahu pada saat ini adalah bahwa Arrows Hijau adalah sinyal Beli dan Panah Merah adalah sinyal Jual. Pivot Hijau bagian atas menunjukkan resistansi arus, dan pivot Merah bagian bawah mengindikasikan dukungan saat ini. Dukungan dan perlawanan terus disesuaikan seiring perkembangan pasar. Saat melihat grafik ini, tanyakan pada diri Anda di mana Anda akan melakukan perdagangan Anda Bagaimana Anda merencanakan perdagangan Anda Sekarang, letakkan mouse Anda di atas bagan untuk mengaktifkan Perangkat Lunak DecisionBar menambahkan kejernihan kristal pada grafik. Apakah Anda melihat bagaimana DecisionBar memberi struktur pada bagan dan memberi Anda Peta Segar Keputusan PasarBar membuat setiap pergerakan pasar sejernih bel agar memudahkan Anda membuat keputusan trading Anda. DecisionBar dengan jelas menunjukkan kepada Anda, secara real time, kapan harus melakukan perdagangan Breakout, Breakdown, Exhaustion or Failure membuat Anda dalam lingkaran untuk memutuskan apakah Anda ingin kembali ke perdagangan lagi. DecisionBar juga memberi tahu Anda saat Anda memiliki peluang trading yang panjang atau pendek DecisionBar dapat digunakan untuk perdagangan hari dan perdagangan akhir hari. Jika Anda memiliki pekerjaan penuh waktu dan ingin menambah penghasilan Anda, atau jika Anda memperdagangkan IRA Anda, DecisionBar juga untuk Anda. DecisionBar bisa digunakan untuk perdagangan saham, futures, forex, dan bahkan options. Dengan DecisionBar Anda memegang kendali. Jangan lupa mendaftar untuk menerima Sinyal Perdagangan GRATIS ke Kotak Masuk Anda Saat Anda mendaftar, Anda juga akan menerima tip perdagangan yang hanya diketahui oleh pedagang sukses. Rahasia Dagang ini akan membantu memperlambat hasil trading anda. Metode trading sebenarnya kami ajarkan kepada anggota DecisionBar untuk mempertahankan profitabilitas yang konsisten di pasar manapun. Rahasia di balik DecisionBar Trading Software. Cara berdagang saat Anda memiliki pekerjaan tetap. Bagaimana membuat lebih sedikit perdagangan untuk keuntungan lebih besar. Ciri khas trader yang sukses. Rahasia sukses trading 40 menit pertama hari perdagangan. Menentukan gaya trading terbaik untuk anda. Cara terbaik untuk menghasilkan uang dengan tren adalah masuk ke awal. Nah tunjukkan caranya. Rahasia REAL untuk bertahan di pasar mata uang (Forex). Dan banyak lagi, semuanya gratis saat Anda mendaftar untuk Sinyal Perdagangan GRATIS ke Kotak Masuk Anda PRIVASI. Alamat email Anda tidak akan dibagi, diperdagangkan atau dijual. Kami sepenuhnya menghormati privasi Anda. Dengan berlangganan Anda tidak akan menerima email yang tidak diminta. Mari kita lihat lagi DecisionBar beraksi. Ingatlah untuk menempatkan mouse Anda di atas grafik untuk mengaktifkan DecisionBar Software pada chart berikutnya juga. Apakah Anda melihat bagaimana DecisionBar mengambil dugaan dari trading Bila Anda mendapat sinyal di Lower Pivot, seperti Long Failure at 1, tujuan keuntungan awal Anda selalu berada di atas pivot, 2. Saat Anda mendapatkan Sinyal Breakout (3) kami Pedagang Pivots (garis putus-putus pada 4) menunjukkan seberapa jauh Anda bisa mengharapkan langkah untuk pergi. Dengan DecisionBar seluruh rencana trading Anda tepat di depan Anda. Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat, DecisionBar mengambil dugaan dari perdagangan Anda dan membuat Anda berada di sisi kanan pasar tidak peduli apa yang pasar lakukan Jika Anda telah melakukan trading untuk jangka waktu tertentu, Anda sudah tahu, tidak cukup untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara melakukannya. Baca grafik Anda juga harus tahu bagaimana untuk secara akurat menggambar garis tren, menganalisis risiko, dan memprediksi kapan pembalikan akan terjadi sehingga Anda bisa masuk pada awal pergerakan besar dan mengendarainya untuk semua yang berharga. DecisionBar telah dirancang untuk melakukan sebagian besar ini untuk Anda. DecisionBar telah dipoles dan disempurnakan berdasarkan pengalaman trading aktif lebih dari dua dekade. Apakah Anda adalah investor jangka panjang, pedagang ayunan jangka pendek, atau pedagang sehari, Anda akan menyukai DecisionBar Trading Software. Mari kita lihat grafik lainnya. Ingat, letakkan mouse Anda di atas bagan untuk mengaktifkan Perangkat Lunak DecisionBar. Setelah Sinyal Long Exhaustion, tujuan awal laba kita adalah Pivot Level 2. Namun, kita melihat bahwa support yang sebelumnya rusak di Pivot Level 1 dapat memberikan perlawanan. Saya telah menggambar garis kuning di sana untuk referensi. Tentu saja, kios pasar di Pivot Level 1. Pada tahap ini Secondary DecisionBar 1 (panah segitiga merah) dihasilkan, mengatakan kepada kita bahwa pasar telah terhenti pada level support atau resistance sebelumnya. Beberapa bar kemudian, DecisionBar menentukan bahwa tingkat resistensi baru telah terbentuk. Pivot atas diturunkan ke Pivot Level 3, dan Secondary DecisionBar (2) lainnya dikeluarkan. Seiring perkembangan pasar, level support dan resistance baru diidentifikasi secara real time, dan sinyal dihasilkan untuk selalu menjaga Anda di sisi kanan pasar. Jika Anda menyukai demonstrasi ini, tolong beritahu teman Anda di Facebook dengan mengklik tombol Like di bawah dan memberi komentar. DecisionBar Trading adalah perdagangan sesungguhnya - tidak ada gimmicks. DecisionBar tidak mencoba menduplikat kekuatan otak manusia. Perangkat lunak apa pun yang melakukannya, ditakdirkan untuk menjadi tiruan tingkat ketiga. DecisionBar memungkinkan ANDA melihat kekuatan yang bekerja di pasar pada saat tertentu, dan membantu ANDA membuat keputusan logis berdasarkan kekuatan tersebut. Dimana orang lain melihat gerakan acak, dengan DecisionBar ANDA akan mengerti bahwa pergerakan pasar masuk akal. Dengan DecisionBar Anda memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi untuk bisa menukar dengan keinginan ANDA. Sebenarnya, ANDA adalah ramuan rahasia yang hilang yang membuat metode trading DecisionBar berhasil, sementara sistem lain telah gagal. RAHASIA BESAR lainnya untuk memilih pemenang yang konsisten adalah melihat pasar sebagaimana adanya. DecisionBar memungkinkan ANDA berdagang dengan irama alami pasar. Dengan DecisionBar Anda tidak akan tahu di mana pasar berada, tapi kemungkinannya akan pergi. Banyak pedagang begitu terjebak dalam strategi perdagangan yang kompleks sehingga mereka lupa bahwa bagan hanyalah representasi grafis dari dua parameter dasar, Harga dan Waktu. Fibonacci Bands, Keltner Channels, Stochastics, Bollinger Bands dan sebagian besar indikator teknis lainnya hanyalah cara yang berbeda untuk melihat Price and Time. Ini mengherankan saya betapa banyak investor dan konsultan dapat membuat sesuatu yang sangat sederhana dan mendasar, sangat rumit. Tonton klip video singkat yang menunjukkan perangkat lunak dalam tindakan Pertama, nyalakan suara di komputer Anda. Kemudian klik pada link di bawah ini untuk melihat video. Setelah DecisionBar diidentifikasi, Oscillator Risiko milik kami mengambil dugaan dari perdagangan. Dengan trading DecisionBar Software saya semudah A, B, C, D. Perhatikan arah sinyal. Konfirmasikan sinyal dengan Risk Oscillator. Sinyal Panjang dikonfirmasi oleh Oscillator Resiko positif. Sinyal pendek dikonfirmasi oleh Oscillator Resiko negatif. Pertimbangkan untuk memasuki perdagangan di sebuah bar yang bergerak ke arah yang sama seperti perdagangan. Konfirmasikan entri dengan memastikan Oscillator Resiko setuju dengan nilai perdagangan dan kemiringan. Untuk perdagangan yang panjang - Risk Oscillator harus positif dan meningkat. Untuk perdagangan singkat - Risk Oscillator harus negatif dan turun. Sesederhana itu DecisionBar hadir dengan Three Different Risk Oscillators Apapun yang ingin Anda jual, Anda bisa menutupinya. Oscillator Risiko kami bekerja dengan menggunakan algoritme komputer yang kami kembangkan untuk mendorong pergerakan pasar X bar ke masa depan. Itu sebabnya sering memimpin pasar, bukannya tertinggal pasar seperti indikator standar. Sekarang mari kita periksa DecisionBar Stop Modul Berhenti Baru kami mencakup pemberhentian trailing otomatis berdasarkan jarak tetap atau Average True Range (ukuran volatilitas) instrumen yang Anda trading. Selain itu, penghentian True Average Average memiliki pengaturan Statis dan Dinamis. Jika Dynamic Stop dipilih, pemberhentian akan semakin kencang, dan nilai sebenarnya dari target keuntungan Anda akan menurun, jika volatilitas menurun. Jika volatilitas meningkat, pemberhentian akan mengencangkan lebih lambat untuk mencegah Anda sebelum waktunya berhenti dari perdagangan Anda, dan nilai sebenarnya dari target keuntungan Anda akan meningkat. DecisionBar bukanlah sistem Black Box. Anda memiliki kontrol penuh atas semua parameter modul stop. DecisionBar tidak membombardir Anda dengan sinyal perdagangan, namun menawarkan SANGAT JELAS DAN KEJUJURAN - Persentase Penjualan Tinggi - dalam Real Time Karena Anda melihat dengan tepat apa yang terjadi, menetapkan parameter perdagangan Anda mudah dan intuitif. Mari kita tinjau. Apa yang Membuat Keputusan Berbeda dengan Setiap Keputusan Program Perdagangan LainnyaBar menempatkan sinyal perdagangan historis di bagan Anda persis di mana mereka akan terjadi secara real time, sehingga Anda dapat memeriksanya dan mengoptimalkan perdagangan Anda untuk kondisi pasar saat ini. DecisionBar secara otomatis memetakan dan menyesuaikan level support dan resistance secara real time. Support and resistance (penawaran dan permintaan) berubah dari menit ke menit. DecisionBar menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan secara real time berdasarkan penawaran, permintaan, dan volume, yang berarti. Kapan pun harga sekuritas melanggar garis support atau resistance (disebut Breakdown or Breakout) - gagal menembus support atau resistance (disebut Kegagalan) - atau tampaknya telah menjalankan jalurnya (disebut Kelelahan) - Anda dapat membuat Sebuah keputusan apakah Anda ingin melakukan perdagangan atau EXIT perdagangan yang telah Anda buat. Oscillator Risiko eksklusif di bagian bawah layar DecisionBar memberikan konfirmasi tambahan. Peringatan pembalikan sekunder untuk memberi tahu Anda tentang potensi pembalikan. Peringatan ini memungkinkan Anda keluar dari perdagangan yang tidak terwujud sebelum Anda kehilangan. Tidak ada program perangkat lunak perdagangan yang memberi Anda lebih banyak - AT APAPUN HARGA Berikut adalah poin BESAR Dont miss it. Beberapa perangkat lunak perdagangan menambahkan sinyal beli dan jual setelah faktanya Sinyal tertunda. Kemudian, jika kesalahan itu salah, perangkat lunak akan menghapus sinyal palsu untuk menyembunyikan bukti kesalahannya. Tapi tidak dengan DecisionBar With DecisionBar semua beli amp sell signal dikeluarkan di Real Time dan TIDAK dihapus begitu sudah dikeluarkan Anda menerima sinyal jual dan beli yang akurat secara real time - tidak pernah dilepas. DecisionBar Trading Software tidak mengeluarkan pukulan. Anda tetap memegang kendali penuh. Anda hanya masuk atau keluar dari perdagangan jika merasa nyaman dengan keputusan Anda. DecisionBar dirancang bagi Anda untuk menetapkan tingkat kenyamanan Anda dan hanya melakukan perdagangan HANYA bila Anda yakin dengan kesuksesan perdagangan Anda. Anda memasukkan perdagangan sesuai persyaratan Anda dan hanya melakukan perdagangan yang masuk akal bagi Anda. Apakah Anda mulai melihat bagaimana DecisionBar Trading Software dapat mengambil tebakan mematikan dari perdagangan dan membantu Anda secara konsisten mengidentifikasi perdagangan yang menang untuk Jadwal Penentuan Harga DecisionBar Jadi, bagaimana cara kita mengatasi Metode dan Perangkat Lunak Terbaik yang tersedia dengan harga berapa pun Dengan layanan dan dukungan pelanggan Kedua-ke-tidak, tentu saja Dengan Dukungan Pelanggan Top-Notch Kami Flat Out REFUSE untuk Membiarkan Anda Gagal Sebagai seorang trader DecisionBar, bantuan tidak lebih dari sekadar panggilan telepon atau klik mouse. Itulah sebabnya bahkan trader pemula pun bisa sukses dengan DecisionBar Trading Software. Kantor kami buka setiap hari perdagangan selama jam bursa saham A. S. Email saja atau angkat telepon dan hubungi kami selama jam tersebut. Selama berjam-jam kami tersedia melalui email (tanggapan biasanya dalam satu jam) dan dengan janji temu. Anda juga akan mendapatkan link untuk live online support. Log masuk saja pada jam pasar, atau dengan janji temu, dan kami dapat masuk ke komputer Anda dan membantu Anda dengan: Masalah Instalasi Rekomendasi dan Rekomendasi Pemasangan One-on-One atau hal lain yang perlu bantuan. Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang trading Meskipun kami jelas tidak dapat memberikan saran perdagangan spesifik (apakah trader menyukai Anda, bukan broker), trader kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk memberikan jawaban yang jujur ​​dan lengkap atas pertanyaan trading Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan trading cukup tembak email dan segera kembali ke Anda secepatnya. Biasanya dalam waktu sejam jika di komputer. Jika ada pertanyaan tentang DecisionBar silahkan klik ikon di atas untuk ngobrol langsung dengan customer service representative. Jika setelah berjam-jam, Anda bisa meninggalkan pesan dan segera menghubungi Anda sesegera mungkin. PENGUNGKAPAN RISIKO: Stock, Options, Futures dan Forex trading mengandung risiko yang besar dan tidak untuk setiap investor. Seorang investor berpotensi kehilangan semua atau lebih dari investasi awal. Modal berisiko adalah uang yang bisa hilang tanpa membahayakan keamanan finansial atau gaya hidup. Hanya modal risiko yang harus digunakan untuk trading dan hanya mereka yang memiliki modal risiko yang cukup harus mempertimbangkan trading. Kinerja masa lalu tidak selalu menunjukkan hasil di masa depan. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, Anda dapat menghubungi kantor kami antara pukul 09.30 dan 03.30. Senin sampai Jumat EST di 800-228-4256 atau email supportDecisionBar. Untuk DecisionBar Pricing Schedule Trader yang Berbicara Manual ini AWESOME. Sebagian besar buku perdagangan di rak saya tidak ada gunanya dibandingkan dengan isi dalam Manual Perdagangan DecisionBar. Saya suka bagaimana DecisionBar benar dalam melakukan tindakan harga, penawaran dan permintaan, dan sentimen pasar, dan menangkap ketiga grafis dengan cara yang mudah untuk ditafsirkan. Ada kecemerlangan yang melekat pada DecisionBar yang bahkan tidak disebutkan dalam manual (misalnya, mengurangi kerugian secara singkat dan mengambil keuntungan adalah dua keterampilan yang paling banyak dihindari pedagang, namun sudah sesuai dengan metode DecisionBar). Perangkat Lunak Terbaik yang pernah saya coba Ikut Ikutilah perangkat lunak Anda adalah yang terbaik yang pernah saya coba. Perlu beberapa masukan dari pedagang dan bukan sistem kotak hitam, tapi ini memberi jalan terbaik bagi saya untuk berdagang. Saya suka ini dan ini menguntungkan sebagian besar hari-hari. Tolong teruskan pekerjaan hebat ini. Dukungan Pelanggan yang Terbaik Saya ingin membiarkan Les mengetahui betapa saya menghargai Barry yang membantu saya setelah berjam-jam Jumat terakhir ini. Dia sangat berpengetahuan, cepat, dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk membantu saya. Layanan pelanggan seperti ini jarang terjadi hari ini dan saya ingin Anda tahu betapa saya menghargai bantuannya, M. B. Bloomington, IL Sekali lagi saya ingin memberi tahu Anda bahwa perangkat lunak Anda luar biasa, ini benar-benar bekerja, saya hanya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Anda karena sangat cepat dan membantu. Saya sangat senang menjadi bagian dari keluarga DB. Hanya untuk berbagi dengan Anda bahwa saya sudah menghasilkan lebih dari cukup untuk menutupi langganan DB tahunan saya ditambah umpan data. Satu-satunya Perangkat Lunak yang Akan Saya Perlu Saya telah berdagang selama hampir 10 tahun. Saya telah menghabiskan lebih banyak uang untuk program trading maka saya pernah melakukan trading. Itu sampai saya berinvestasi di Decision Bar. Yang paling saya suka tentang Decision Bar adalah nilai sebenarnya yang Anda dapatkan atas namanya sendiri. Bar Keputusan persis seperti apa adanya. Program menempatkan Anda pada posisi untuk Membuat Keputusan. Ini nyata dan orang-orang yang mendukungnya adalah nyata. Dari semua program yang pernah saya coba, Decision Bar adalah satu-satunya yang saya butuhkan. Setelah Anda belajar mengaturnya dengan trading dan gaya tertentu Anda akhirnya akan berada dalam posisi untuk berjalan dengan keuntungan dan bukannya berkubang dalam kerugian Anda. Dukungan orang akan bekerja keras untuk membuat Anda siap. Anda tidak bisa salah dengan menggunakannya dalam karir trading Anda. Cobalah dan Anda akan melihat apa yang saya maksud. Selamat Trading. Seperti Shooting Fish In A Barrel Ini sangat fantastis. Ini seperti menembak ikan di tong. Hal terbesar dari roti iris saya masih berada di bulan pertama pemakaian saya, dan walaupun sejauh ini saya telah mencapai 3 (tiga) perdagangan yang telah berhenti dengan kerugian kecil, saya jauh di depan secara keseluruhan. Ini sangat bagus dengan pilihan, dan semua posisi pilihan saya naik dengan margin bagus. Metode ini luar biasa dalam menjaga saya dan perdagangan saya di sisi kanan pasar dan mengingatkan saya bila ada perubahan karakter di dalamnya pada tahap awal. Produk yang bagus Terima kasih Sangat Asli amp Pendekatan Menarik Hanya sebuah catatan untuk berterima kasih atas pelajaran tambahan ini. Jelas bahwa Anda adalah trader yang sangat berpengalaman dan DecisionBar adalah pendekatan yang sangat orisinil dan menarik. Saya sangat bersyukur bisa mendapatkan bimbingan dalam trading dari seseorang dari pengalaman Anda dan keterampilan mengajar yang jelas. Saya menikmati Manual sangat banyak serta tutorial video yang sangat bagus dan pelajaran tambahan yang Anda kirim ini merupakan keuntungan yang sangat bagus dan sangat diterima juga. Steven S. North Dakota Empat Perdagangan Tanpa Kerugian. Dear Les: Terima kasih atas kesempatan untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak Anda. Saya bukan trader baru. Sebagai soal fakta, saya telah mengikuti pasar dan mematikan selama sekitar dua puluh tahun. Seperti Anda, saya telah menghabiskan ribuan dolar untuk perangkat lunak, metode, seminar, sistem dan metode. Selalu mencari sesuatu yang akan membuatku sukses. Saya harus mengatakan bahwa perangkat lunak Anda mengalahkan mereka semua saya perdagangan indeks saham SampP 500 berjangka. Mungkin pasar yang paling sulit untuk diperdagangkan. Dan selama dua hari terakhir telah mencatat 22 poin pada empat perdagangan tanpa kerugian. Benar-benar menakjubkan Ive telah menggunakan osilator risiko pada nilai default dan sangat menyukai bagaimana hal itu membuat Anda keluar dari perdagangan yang buruk dan di sisi kanan pasar. Saya juga telah mengambil saran Anda untuk menggunakan level support dan resistance sebelumnya ditambah area support intermediate yang jelas untuk lebih meningkatkan profitabilitas dan melindungi keuntungan. Terima kasih lagi. Indikator Telah Bekerja Jadi Accurately Les, saya benar-benar takjub bagaimana indikator Anda bekerja dengan sangat akurat selama seminggu terakhir ini sehingga saya telah menggunakannya. Saya benar-benar untuk pertama kalinya sejak beberapa tahun perdagangan sekarang mengerti bagaimana pasar bekerja. Terima kasih sejuta untuk kemurahan hati dan ketulusan Anda dalam apa yang Anda lakukan. Sal S. California DB Menangkap Rhythm Pasar Mengapa waktu begitu lama untuk melihat yang jelas saya menghabiskan bertahun-tahun mencari indikator pembunuh atau sistem yang tidak dapat salah. Tahu apa Setelah menggunakan metode DecisionBar, bagan saya ada. Tidak ada indikator Bahkan tidak ada satu pun rata-rata bergerak sederhana. Tapi DecisionBar DB adalah indikator terbaik dari semua, karena ini membebaskan Anda untuk berkonsentrasi pada apa yang sebenarnya penting. HARGA. Moving averages, RSI, dll hanya memberi tahu Anda berapa harga yang telah Anda TOLD sebelumnya. Dengan DecisionBar, Anda menangkap irama pasar dan hanya berdansa dengan musik. Mengirim Anda 4 Orang. Semua Puas Hey guys, hanya sebuah baris untuk memberi tahu bahwa saya sangat menyukai DecisionBar. Telah menggunakannya perdagangan ES pada grafik 5 menit dan it works great. Saya telah mengirim 4 orang yang telah membeli dan semua juga puas. Pikir Id menjatuhkan catatan singkat untuk memberi tahu Anda staf hebat yang Anda dapatkan dari Barry dalam dukungan teknis kepada Isabel di dukungan admin. Semua orang sangat baik, efisien dan yang paling penting profesional. Its menyegarkan untuk pengalaman. Terus bekerja dengan baik. K. Z. Belton, Missouri Terima kasih atas tanggapan yang cepat. Satu hal yang sangat saya hargai adalah customer service. Saya belum pernah mengalami hal seperti ini sebelumnya. Ini Membiarkan Orang Kecil Masuk Ada banyak orang di luar sana yang menjual barang-barang yang tidak bekerja. Masalahnya, biaya schmucks tersebut ribuan dolar dan ketika Anda mengetahuinya nanti, terlalu buruk Kalian menjual sesuatu yang sesuai, dan saya sangat menghargai struktur harga yang Anda miliki. Ini memungkinkan si kecil masuk dan, ketika orang-orang bertahan, Anda menghasilkan uang dengan jujur. Membantu Saya Susu Setiap Pip Saya menerima DecisionBar Trading Kit awal minggu ini, dan saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih untuk produk terbaik. DecisionBar mudah digunakan dan tutorialnya sangat membantu. Saya memerintahkan DecisionBar terutama untuk mengidentifikasi titik masuk retracement yang optimum di pasar tren. Saya menggunakan pivot DecisionBar pada dua perdagangan hari ini dan merasa itu membantu saya mengumpan setiap pip yang tersedia. Saya menukar pasar Forex dan grafik jangka pendek (5 dan 10 menit) Saya menetapkan garis pivot pada 10,10 per tutorial Anda dan hasilnya bagus. Terima kasih lagi. Randall F. California Membayar untuk Tahun dengan Satu Perdagangan Semakin saya menggunakannya, semakin baik aku menyukainya Hidup dan tidak ada sesuatu pun di dalamnya yang sempurna, tapi DecisionBar adalah yang terbaik yang pernah saya lihat untuk panduan perdagangan. Saya sudah cukup membuat kemarin di GOOG untuk membayarnya selama setahun tentang apa yang saya anggap sebagai perdagangan kecil. Banyak terima kasih kepada Les karena telah membantu trader dan investor untuk melihat potensi pergerakan Big Move secara real time dengan metode DecisionBar yang sederhana. Ini BIGquotYes Anda Bisa Merancang Rencana Perdagangan Paruh Waktu Yang Menghasilkan Uang Catatan: Ini bukan skema cepat kaya atau sistem perdagangan kotak hitam. Dari: David Jenyns - Pakar Desain Sistem Ada ratusan ahli gambarkan kata kunci yang ingin menjual produk cepat kaya dengan harga banyak. Mungkin Anda sudah membeli beberapa sudah. Beberapa dari mereka bekerja - beberapa dari program ini bahkan hebat. Tapi di mana hampir semuanya gagal adalah melukis gambar bagaimana trading bekerja. Bila Anda mengerti PERSIS apa yang diperlukan untuk merancang sistem perdagangan yang sangat baik, Anda akan mengerti mengapa kebanyakan orang gagal menghasilkan uang. Faktanya adalah, saya dapat menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana menjadi trader yang sukses, tapi akan bekerja Mari berbagi dengan Anda selangkah demi selangkah, cetak biru yang bisa diikuti siapa pun untuk merancang sistem perdagangan paruh waktu yang menguntungkan - disesuaikan dengan situasi unik Anda. 7 tahun dalam pengembangan dan uji coba dengan ratusan klien pembinaan saya, cetak biru ini sekarang telah terbukti bekerja dengan forex, saham, opsi, futures, cfds, dan semua pasar lainnya. Sangat cocok untuk para pemula yang ingin berdagang intraday atau kerangka waktu yang lebih lama - ini adalah panduan lengkap untuk perdagangan yang menguntungkan. Memperkenalkan Sistem Perdagangan Ultimate 2.0 (UTS2.0) Di dalam manual yang menakjubkan ini, Heres hanya beberapa hal yang akan Anda temukan: Cara cepat dan mudah memulai profitabilitas trading. 3 komponen penting semua sistem perdagangan yang menguntungkan harus dimiliki. Rahasia menguasai disiplin, kepercayaan diri dan psikologi Anda. Cara terbaik untuk masuk dan keluar dari perdagangan Anda. Alat apa yang digunakan trader profesional. Bagaimana cara membuktikan sistem trading Anda bekerja, sebelum Anda menukarkannya. Bagaimana memaksimalkan keuntungan Anda dan meminimalkan kerugian Anda. Cara berdagang part time tapi membuat profit full time. Singkatnya, Anda akan belajar bagaimana secara konsisten menghasilkan lebih banyak uang. Lakukan metode ini bekerja Unggulan di Smart Investor. Saya tahu metode saya bekerja dan begitu juga ratusan pedagang di seluruh dunia yang telah menguji mereka (klik di sini untuk membaca testimonial mereka). Yang mengatakan, jangan mengambil kata-kata saya untuk itu, metode bekerja dengan baik, saya telah menarik perhatian banyak buletin, surat kabar dan jurnal perdagangan. Bahkan Smart Investor, salah satu majalah dagang Australias yang paling bergengsi, melakukan penyebaran halaman penuh pada saya dan metode trading saya. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang saya, klik di sini untuk membaca biodata penuh atau google nama saya quotDavid Jenynsquot. Jika Anda begitu sukses berdagang, mengapa Anda memberikan rahasia Anda Percaya atau tidak, sulit menerima surat demi surat dari orang-orang yang menganggap diri mereka sebagai quotnewbiesquot - yang tidak mencari nafkah pada pekerjaan mereka, dan tidak melihat kemungkinan untuk melanggar Bebas dari perlombaan tikus untuk memiliki kehidupan yang mereka inginkan. Mereka tidak mampu membeli produk yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengubah situasi mereka. Saya hanya berharap seseorang telah memberikan ini kepada saya tujuh tahun yang lalu ketika saya memulai - ini akan membuat saya lebih banyak uang lebih cepat, dan menghemat banyak uang, waktu dan frustrasi yang terbuang. Seberapa jauh faktanya, saya membuat sebagian besar kekayaan melalui perdagangan dan investasi. Bukan melalui penjualan ebooks. Saya tidak butuh uang anda Konon, mentor bisnis saya pernah mengajari saya, agar seseorang melihat nilai dalam sesuatu, pasti ada nilai tukar antara kedua belah pihak. Dengan kata lain, bagi Anda untuk melihat nilai di UTS2.0, Anda harus membayar sesuatu untuk itu. Saya tidak terlalu peduli dengan apa yang Anda bayar, selama Anda membayar sesuatu. Setelah mengobrol dengan tim saya, kami menyetujuinya, biaya minimum yang kami izinkan adalah 7 - ini cukup banyak mencakup biaya overhead untuk situs web dan dukungan kami. Anda harus setuju itu sangat adil. Download salinan UTS2.0 Anda dan pelajari bagaimana mendapatkan tepi perdagangan yang signifikan dibandingkan pedagang lain. Hanya 7 Setelah Anda memesan, saya segera mengirimkan email link download untuk ebook 56 halaman ini dan saya yakin Anda akan senang dengan itu. Membelinya. Terapkan itu Keuntungan dari itu Pelatih Trading Anda, PS. Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan Anda bisa email saya dengan mengklik di sini. PPS. Selama 4 tahun terakhir 12.500 orang telah mendownload ebook UTS saya dan Heres apa yang beberapa dari mereka katakan. QuotI skeptis ketika saya melihat judulnya tapi kemudian saya mulai membaca buku itu dan menjadi SPEECHLESS Hal ini FANTASTIS Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa saya memiliki pengalaman trading yang panjang, saya sekarang menggunakan Sistem Perdagangan Ultimate untuk merancang setiap sistem perdagangan baru Mengapa Karena itu Mengembun segala sesuatu yang perlu Anda ketahui dan lakukan menjadi rencana tindakan sederhana yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh ANYONE. Informasi, link, tip, dan trik di dalamnya layak digolongkan menjadi GOLDquot Mark McRae. TraderAuthor Profesional - yakin-forex-trading quotI pikir itu adalah bacaan yang bagus. Ini merangkum banyak hal tentang perdagangan dengan hanya 56 halaman buku lainnya sekitar 200 halaman atau lebih. Karena setiap bab tepat dan tepat, saya dapat menyimpan sebagian besar informasi penting. Saya pasti akan merekomendasikan book. quot ini jauh lebih baik daripada banyak quothust-readsquot. Setelah membaca beberapa buku trading, saya pikir yang terbaik adalah yang saya baca sejauh ini mencakup banyak area dengan fakta yang jelas. Mengapa membaca sepuluh buku lain jika buku Anda mencakup semua Tentu saja karena Anda memasukkan banyak informasi dalam buku Anda, ini memerlukan perhatian penuh saat membaca. Kuota yang telah diperdagangkan selama empat tahun dan kombinasi UTS 1.0 dan TSR1 adalah titik balik dalam Perdagangan saya Saya pribadi berpikir bahwa kedua edisi kedua lebih baik. Pekerjaan itu jelas dari seseorang yang berdagang juga dan tidak hanya menulis literatur perdagangan. Nilai dari dokumen-dokumen ini terletak pada mata orang yang melihatnya, mengapa hanya sebagian kecil orang yang membacanya sampai di halaman 54, dan yang lebih kecil lagi akan menerapkannya. Salah satu pelajaran yang sangat penting yang saya pelajari adalah berdagang secara fisik dengan uang sungguhan, tidak ada lagi yang bisa mengajari Anda lebih banyak atau menunjukkan kepada Anda apakah Anda cocok untuk pekerjaan ini. Tidak ada papertrade yang bisa mengajari Anda tentang selip atau kebugaran mental untuk menang atau kehilangan uang sungguhan. Teruslah bekerja dengan baik. quot Pieter van der Westhuizen - Moorreesburg, Soth Africa Saya merasa konsepnya sangat bagus. Ini mencakup setiap aspek yang dibutuhkan untuk menyusun sistem perdagangan yang sukses. Semua poin penting dialamatkan. yaitu. Rencana perdagangan, manajemen uang, masalah psikologi, entri dan keluaran, perangkat lunak perdagangan dan penyedia data, pengujian kembali dan kinerja sistem metrik. Saya menemukan gaya tulisan Anda mudah dibaca, tanpa terlalu bertele-tele. Anda mempresentasikan semua informasi yang relevan secara sistematis dan menurut saya kebanyakan trader dengan beberapa pengalaman akan mengidentifikasi dengan ekspektasi perdagangan yang realistis yang Anda ekspresikan. Mzm. Saya sangat menikmati OTM. Tampaknya bekerja dengan sangat baik, dengan konten berkualitas dan postingan anggota aktif. quot Peter Reynolds - Melbourne, Australia quotDavid..namaku Murray Marshall dan saya membaca versi baru sistem perdagangan 2.0 Anda. Kursus ini memiliki banyak akal sehat dan bacaannya mudah dibaca karena Anda telah menyaring ratusan halaman menjadi buku panduan trading sederhana namun efektif. Saya berharap ini terjadi saat saya memulai 15 tahun dan banyak kerugian yang lalu. I know i will make all my losses back by using the guidlines presented in your manual which more than anything it quotchanges the way you thinkquot which is the most important thing. Keep up the good workquot Murray Marshall - Alberta, Canada I just finished reading your Ultimate Trading Systems 2.0. The reason I finished reading so quickly is that I could not put it down. As a beginner, I now have all the info I need on how to get started in Fx trading. I have down loaded tons of info on the subject but this manual is all you need all in one book. As a beginner, I do not think you can start to Fx trade without first reading this manual to fully understand what is involved. Thank you David. quot Barry Ellis - South Africa quotI have reviewed this Trading Manual by David Jenyns, and Id like to say, what a great introduction to the world of trading. David lays down the foundation for success. If you follow what he says here in this little gem, you will ultimately become a winner. It will give you an understanding of risk and the ever so important money management, which David, in all of his material, excels in. I would highly recommend this e-book to anyone who wants to. Learn to Trade. Learn about pulling the trigger. Learn about managing a Trade as it progresses through to being closed out. And to learn about whats required of you to be the success that you want to be. Its simple really. Dont procrastinate. Grab your copy NOW. and start the journey. quot quotI just finished reading Ultimate Trading Systems 2.0. I found it a very good tutorial on what a new trader should be doing before starting to trade. It stresses that a person must make plans on how he is going to develop his trading plan prior to trading. The book not only stresses the absolute need for a trading plan, but it shows how to make one. It is an important read. quot Albin Dittli - Utah, United States quotThank you for sending me the Ultimate Trading System. It has really helped me focus on my trading. The first thing I did after reading the Ultimate Trading System was to write out my trading system. Something I had never done before. Then I put up four 3X5 cards that I see twice a day. Since doing this my trading has improved. During the month of January I did 20 options trades. 16 profitable and 4 losers. I was typically taking profit around 30 during this testing phase. And guess what the losers were from trades I did not following my trading system. I will be following my plan from now on. Ive been searching for a trading system that works for me and all I had to do was write out what works for me and follow it. I know that by following my trading system I will get trading losses. Its just part of the business. But now I have a written plan and system to follow and my trading losses will be small. Once again thank you for putting the time and effort into the Ultimate Trading System. quot quotJust wanted to comment on the book as requested. I find the material to be very usefull for new traders provided they take it to heart. I am a full time trader and have basically learned the lessons in the book after years of trial and error and thousands of in courses. I believe that everybody needs to find their own sweet spot when it comes to trading system and which market they trade. for me it turned out to be the forex market and gladly, I see that the book helps new traders find their place in the trading landscape. Keep up the good workquot Ali Seyrafizadeh - Ontario Canada Excellent Through all the chapters, the different subjects are presented in a very simple and understandable way. You have succeeded to make them simple but not simplistic. This way allows this book to be read profitably by newbies but also by more experienced traders. I have particularly appreciated your emphasis on the important traits the traders must develop: will and time to learn and work patience, discipline, commitment, education, risk capital motivation and clear and detailled objectives The idea to write those objectives remember me this is a contract a trader makes with himself, thus its importance. The trading psychology is particularly enlightening. The discipline and the confidence in trading come by learning and praticing until the necessary skills become second nature. For me, this is the most important chapter in your book. All the other chapters give an operational approach about how the trader should design a winning trading system he will feel comfortable with, in accordance with his realistic objectives. In this point of view, the comparison of several trading styles and markets are a great help. A central chapter shows also the importance of having a trading plan with its practical, psychological and evolutionary aspects. There is then a clear description with the elements a trading plan must contain. the perfect entry, the excellent risk management and the perfect exit. These are a must. It is also very useful to address the delicat problems of the choice of the charting software, the data providers and the broker, with clear questions and practical advises. quot Eusebio Nanni - Belgium You have compiled a down to earth explanation of vital information. The trading experience can be either supremely rewarding, or utterly debilitating. Strict adherence to the principles discussed in your book will lay a firm foundation for ensuring a trader enjoys the rewards. quot John Neave - NSW, Australia I really enjoyed reading UTS2.0. My first reaction to it was quot56 Pagesquot, but once I got started I found that it was really easy reading and very informative. The book has reinforced to me the necessity of having a written trading plan, money management and back testing. I have heard these over and over, but I have never really committed to doing them. As a matter of fact, I have decided that before I make my next trade, I will finish writing my trading plan and stick to it during my trades. They were some things that you mentioned that I find myself doing. For example, following all those emails to see what new strategies they are offering, but as you have mentioned in the book, if I have a written plan, and have back tested my system, then there would be no need for me to go chasing after every email to see if their system is indeed better. An eye opener for me was the fact that successful trading is only 10 of the system. Maybe if I had realized this fact a while ago, I could have saved myself thousands of dollars. I would definitely recommend this book to both beginner and experience traders. It was a good job pulling this information together. quot quotUltimate Trading Systems kept me glued from beginning to end. Taking a systematic step-by-step approach, this quotblueprintquot discusses all the aspects of designing and implementing a trading system, and explains clearly the reasons for each decision. I found it a detailed route map to planning to trade profitably. Early on there is an overview of what the reader wants to achieve, so that the type of trading and the financial instruments can be decided. This forces you to stop and think instead of plummeting into failure by trading in the wrong way for you. It also explains why buying an off-the-shelf system may not be a good choice. The chapter on entries puts the topic in perspective, by quoting from Van Tharp. This is a lesson that many traders have still to learn. I like the way snippets of MetaStock code illustrate clearly how to set up a system to screen for potentially profitable trades. UTS covers every aspect of trading, including selecting software and the broker, and emphasizes the importance of back testing to prove the trading system. I particularly like the way that each chapter finishes with actions to be taken, to ensure that the content is understood and implemented. Its useful to have links to additional information which elaborates on the lessons. An easy read but packed with content, this blueprint is one I will refer to again and again. It gives clear direction on every aspect to becoming a successful trader. quot Alan Northcott - alannorthcott The best comprehensive informative guide to Trading I have read. A must read for all newbies to trading. Nothing you have said is quotnewquot but you have presented it in a clear concise manner that anyone should understand. I particularly like your constant reinforcement of the system process, discipline and managing emotions - the most difficult challange for all traders. I also like your coaching through the need to develop ones personal trading plan aligned to ones own personality and goals. A great publication I would recommend to all traders - newbies to learn and oldies to reinforce the basics which can so often be lost. quot John Venning - Australia quotThank you for this chance to look over 2.0 I was already reviewing my basic methods, so this was just the right time. Presentation is accurate and concise, giving to me at least a feeling that successful trading is achievable. I like the way that links are set out, right where you need them not in some list at the end of the 56 pages. Content. The need for focus and discipline is clear. However you do mention a time scale, 3 months I recall. I do not agree with setting a time to learn to trade as it depends on so many factors: mindset, inteligence, time available, family pressures. all kinds of stuff. Conclusion. I like Davids writing and methodolgy. It has helped a great deal on my path to become a trader. I still have a way to go, hence the need to keep track of the core plan. quot Chris Blomfield - Warwick, England The book is comprehensive and direct to the point with references to other authors. It is obvious that David has done a lot of research and has personal experience which he is passing on to other investors. The part of back testing might be difficult to grasp, but in reality is true, one is always looking for a system with more winning trades, but as pointed out might not be the most profitable system. I believe the UTS 2.0 will definitely be of great assistance to traders, especially someone new to the markets will realise it takes a lot of discipline and hard work to achieve success. quot Derick Brooks - South Africa quotOne of the most comprehensive ebooks I have ever read. It covers all of the most important pieces that the newer and not so newer traders should take notice of if they are to succeed in the trading world. Congratulations David, I would certainly recommend this product to anyone who is considering entering a career in trading. quot Geoff Lowes - Austraila quotIve completed my first read-thru of the book, I generaly like to treat books like this as textbooks so my study involves several read thrus before application. I think youve made me realise how much time Ive wasted trying to perfrect enrty, trying to create my own system as well. Not that my system was useless, but just by playing arround with a few built in systems inmetastock and applying the simple rules in your system Ive improved results dramatically compared to the system Im currently trading. Ive not traded any of the systems live yet as I want to complete my study of the book and then spend time back testing and confirming the system Id like to go forward with. Under money management I think Ive also had an quotahaquot moment I never had position sizing in place and back testing some of your suggestions has also revealed that there is a lot of merit in considering it for my own system. Id definitely recommend this book for any who serious about becoming successful at trading. quot Masizane Marivate - South Africa You have bring me to another angle to view what is trading. Especially 20:80 rules, and how important on back-testing. These are the pieces I miss in my puzzle. Thanks for your reminder and I believe I will do better afterward for my trading. Keep your good job, Davidquot Siew Wai Yow - Malaysia quotI was favorably impressed with the e-book. The author lays out the correct mindset of what it takes to become a trader and offers excellent, time tested advice about defining your goals, setting up a trading plan, the role psychology and discipline play and much more. Along the way reference is made to good perspective to take from the likes of Dr. Van Tharp, Warren Buffet, and more. The need for a trading plan, discipline and self control are stressed. The necessity of self knowledge is addressed. quotThere is one common element amongst all successful traders: they have a systematic way they approach the market. This approach is unique. In reality, no two people have exactly the same amount of money, tolerance for risk, personality, time or experience. Therefore, the key to success is to design a system that is suited for you. quot This crucial fact alone is worth the price of this e-book. This reality takes time to develop. Again self knowledge is key. One cant gain this information overnight. Practice, patience and discipline are key. The no nonsense, down to earth advice about a realistic path to trading success. No pie in the sky instant riches nonsense here. A well founded trading plan is the key. That plan includes tested and trusted entries and exits. but above all, it includes a strong awareness of money management as the real keys to the kingdom. I have found the advice about money management and psychology to be most helpful. Entries and exits are only a small part of the puzzle. You want to develop a long term, sustainable trading profession. A good money management plan encompasses discipline and patience. This is serious stuff and not gambling. The only way to treat it as such is to stick to time tested MM principles and not waver. This work is a great introduction and overview to the idea of trading. It lays out in clear, responsible detail what it takes to become a successful trader and skips all of the pie in the sky hype. quot Jerry Nevins - Redding, CT, USA quotA well written book with all relevant information I wish I had known about at the beginning of entering the world of trading. Not too over technical and only at the correct points, this ebook is written in a common sense way which I feel would not belittle anyone or their interlect. It is a well balanced book in approaching all aspects of the subject matter. I would have no hesitation in recommending this ebook to all thinking of or indeed into trading, regardless of their level of experience. Well done David and thank you. quot quotThe Ultimate Trading Systems 2 should be the traders bible or maybe stitched to the traders sleeve. Its well written in easy to understand language. I would recommend it as a must read. quot This totally blows your previous manual out of the water. I especially liked the M amp M s. Mind set amp Money management, its clear, concise amp informative, if people treated trading as their business there would be more profitable traders. This manual clearly addresses this problem amp I would recommend UTS 2.0 to everyone. quot Degenkolbe - New Zealand The manual is well written, very informative and concise. It gives traders a very good idea of what it takes and what is required to be a professional profitable trader. The manual covers all aspects of trading and highlights the importance of having a good and robust trading plan. The manual is easy to read and can easily be implemented by all traders very quickly. The manual stresses that there are no magic bullets out there and no holy grail, however success can be achieved by following a strict trading plan, with limiting your risk and drawdown to a low acceptable level. This manual is an excellent resource for newer traders and it should give them the fundamentals of trading successfully, without spending thousands of dollars on quotsercet trading tacticsquot which promise to make you rich, however never do. Well done David. This is a great resource. quot Alan Lowenstein - Australia quotAh Ha It took me longer than expected to read UTS2.0 cause its interesting and get me attached to read through, something I originally just planned to skim on --- I must be honest :) I love UTS2.0, UTS1.0 is good but its like point form and UTS2.0 is more solid with loads of explanation of the concepts and why they are importants Kudos David, I will recommend it to my traders group once you release it official. quot Henry Lin - Hong Kong quotI think you have produced a very useful document outlining the key issues associated with successful trading. Your emphasis on the importance of having the right mindset (namely, removing emotion from trading decisions) and proper money management is spot on. You walk the reader through everything necessary to establish a trading business from trading plan through to software selection, back testing and selecting a broker. The resources and action steps you provide at the end of each chapter are also very useful and motivating. All told, a great document for the beginner and a good refresher for the more experienced. quot Dr. Vic Smith - Australia This book is what all experienced traders wish they had at the beginning of their trading careers. It covers all the essential topics in a general way that should save a lot of time to new traders if they take the information onboard. As a trader and a keen golfer I find many similarities between the two and it helped me enormously in my early trading days to get on top of both golf amp trading. ie In golf amp trading you must do the basic things correctly Golf grip, stance, posture Trading Research, plan, act Beyond this point every golfer and trader differ in their actions to get the job done as every individual develops their own golf swing and the same applies to trading methods. My point is their is no holy grail that will suit everyone, it is essential to develop your own stile around your personality and abilities, therefore I feel all books should pay a high propriety to this fact early in their content, so clients know they need to access and know themselves at the beginning of their journey, this will start them in the correct direction and simplify the whole process of understanding what is required to be successful. quot quotHi David, In these days of mega-information overload, it is refreshing and quite delightful to read a compact, concise and very readable quotbig picturequot overview of how to trade the markets and make money. It is relatively easy for anyone ( self included) to know a lot about a small part of the story without having the overview that your book offers. So, well done and all power to you. Congratulations and Kind regards. quot John Corcoran - Australia quotFirst of all I like your book and want to thank you for sharing it. I agree with most what you said. In fact, I have said the same thing to my less expereinced friend. I learned long time ago similar lessons from Dr. Elders books on trading. I used the term quot3 Mquot system: Mind, Methodology and Money Management. I believe all three are equally important, like the three legs of a stool. The stool will fall if any of the 3 M is missing. It seems to me you empha I learn a few things from reading your ebook such as setting the exit at LL(x) and the formalizeing the three parts of a trading plan. In my opinion, this ebook is more helpful to experienced traders (good or bad), but less so to the new ones. The developing of a trading system is too short. I wish there would have had more on the technical discussion of the system. The use of helpful and simple indicators are not mentioned. Trading systems for short term vs long term need to be explained a bit more. quot quotI want to compliment you on the easy to read writing style you have adopted throughout the book. In my search for what you describe as the quotHoly Grailquot I have read a lot of material over the past few years and I consider your efforts to be concise and very much to the point. quot I found the read very informative. It also made me realise that it is no good wasting time trying out every new method that comes along. I avidly read your e-mails and look forward to receiving more, especially anything relating to this recent book. It was a very good read, easy to understand with lots of useful tips. many thanks for allowing me to read your book and hopefully it will start me on the road to proper trading. quot quotI am very excited about this eBook and I feel that if I had this when I first started trading it would have saved me a lot of time, effort and money trying to figure everything out. What I liked the most is the practical angle that you took in guiding your readers step by step and recommending materials to read and study. Although I did not specifically started to use it, it is already part of my approach but I am using it to sharpen my plan and re-evaluate my process. This will take some time. Herman du Toit - South Africa quotI have read UTS 2.0 amp it does set out well amp simply the guidelines for formulating a tradinginvesting plan which I am currently doing. Thank you for offering it to me it has been very helpful. quot quotI wish i had this document when i started trading. Well, i most probably would have gone through the whole proses that i did to become what i did in any case, i would not have believed your document in any case. Today after 8 years i do believe your document because i know what i know. Moneyrisk management and correct analysis of system is critical and cannot be emphasized enough. Great document thanks. quot Henri Coetzer - South Africa. quotBrilliant. I am working through it again because I have made many of the mistakes you warn against. It is the best way of starting trading. The most valuable part to me was to again realise how important the psychology of trading is. I went down the road of the indicators and technicals and got so involved with that part that I became more and more ineffective trading. Not that I was loosing that much but I was missing out of so many trades because I did not follow my trading plan. Always second guessing it. Second major mistake was trading with mental stop rather than predefined stop-loss. Thanks for great resource. quot I started learning Forex when I stumbled over UTS 1. It has been THE source of information and reference for me ever since. UTS 2 has taken a very good manual 1 step further. It is now more concise and better structured then the first one. I personally love the tasks you give the reader at the end of every chapter. You are definately the one source of information which helped me the most in becoming a Trader. quot quotAn excellent blueprint for those new to the game, or for the more experienced yet to achieve success. You are one of a small group of providers who outline an approach that if followed has a high degree of safety. I like the focus on the mind and money management. quot As usual, a great work Vary interesting, well edited most of it is very simple to understand and the most important thing, it sound very reliable. In contrary to lot of stuff that is offered over the internet, your system, to me, sounds the most trustable and reliable one. As I have told you in the past, I admire you for your charisma and initiative skill. You are always driving yourself one step further and helping others on the way. quot ldquoWow I have read countless trading books and honestly this is the first ever book that really takes me to a level of a professional trader. The step by step instructions are fantastic and Im absolutely sure that anybody, whether they have been long in this business or newcomers, will raise themselves to a professional level should they follow your clear and concise instructions. Im myself is a living proof. I just couldnt believe myself that Im really trading like a pro after following your specific instructions on how to become a successful traders. My trading satisfaction, not to mention my profitability, improves significantly. I wouldnt trade this book with any other books in this world. A real classic. rdquo Khairi A Wahab - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia quotWhenever I receive information from David, I have come to trust it as concise, current and excellent practical information which I can use immediately. David has once again produced an excellent condensed guide in quotUltimate Trading Systemsquot containing many valuable insights and pointers to becoming a successful trader. From my personal experience and application of much of what is contained in quotUltimate Trading Systemsquot, I can only but recommend David and his services and Ultimate Trading Systems - Highlyrdquo Mike Murray ndash Business Consultant amp Trader Johannesburg, South Africa quotDear David, Thank you for the Ultimate Trading Systems. I have followed and committed your to your Step-by-Step Instructions. It taught me true money management and more importantly it taught me how to use stop loss orders to minimize losses. True enough, it can indeed be called the Holy Grail of trading. Wish I have it years back Keep up the good workrdquo Jason Tan - Penang, Malaysia This is the strategy I was waiting for. I have already started to implement your suggestions and I can see it working. Thank you very much again. rdquo Frank - Perth, Australia quotThe Ultimate Trading System by David is truly the most comprehensive and practical course available in the market, covering all the key winning aspects to the development of a sound and robust trading system. The entire package is simply awesome How I wish I had this course when I first started in the world of trading. Thanks for sharing so much vital information in your indispensable and highly recommended course. Thanks again, Davidquot Terence Tan KB - Singapore Irsquove finished reading Ultimate Trading System and Irsquom impressed by it. It is a must-have manual for anyone who wants to become a successful trader, but does not know the way. Each lesson is an easy read and comes with specific action steps that, when followed faithfully, will lead a complete novice to the path of becoming a professional trader. This manual debunks many myths held by so many unsuccessful traders and leads you to various resources yoursquoll need to trade successfully. I will definitely recommend this manual to anyone who is new or have been running in circles trying to profit from their trading activities. rdquo After reading your Ultimate Trading Systems ebook, I found that it tells the truth in trading. Simply the best book I ever read about trading the market Thanks Darren Tan - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia This is the strategy I was waiting for. I have already started to implement your suggestions and I can see it working. Thank you very much again.8221 Frank - Perth, Australia quotExcellent All successful traders say you need to develop your own trading system based on your own personality. but there are very few books on the market that show you how to actually do this. Finally here is an easy to follow, step-by-step process that will allow anyone to develop their own successful system. quot quotThe methodology in the quotUltimate Trading Systemsquot book is excellent and well presented. You direct readers to other experts for specifics, an approach which saves the novice traders huge amounts of time and keeps them on the safe and proper track. New traders especially will benefit from this. quot quotAs a new share trader the Ultimate Trading Systems will assist me in my future trading. At this stage of my growth it provides many details which fill my knowledge gaps. quot Robert - Canberra, Australia quotI found it very informative and easy to read. Even though I have my own trading plan which Ive used with success Im always looking for ways to improve it. At this stage Im generally pretty happy with my plan but Ill no doubt incorporate aspects of your plan into mine after Ive re-read it a few times. quot Absolutely wonderful - NO I mean. Your manual ROCKS Youve simply put together a jamb-packed, informative, step-by-step approach to trading. o) Youve done it so well in fact, that its like you made what was once a narrow and crooked path of learning into a quot6 - Lane Express Highwayquot leading to a canyon filled with GOLD Youve simply got the ability to guide your readers through an amazingly clear and uncluttered learning curve of what it takes to grasp the fundamentals of trading successfully Youve by-passed all the so-called experts, cut out the misinformation, taken out the clutter and used your own quotin the trenchesquot experience to develop an amazing 11-step plan to become a successful trader. To some people, this may seem so few steps. but youve presented it in such a way that there is no other alternative to learn unless people want to do it the hard way Instead - Im all for your awesome tool to successful trading Thanks so much David I hope you continue to use your remarkable ability of training individuals to trade in an entirely successful wayquot J Eric V. Van Der Hope - Professional Trader amp Author foundationofsuccessSimple Forex Trading Strategies Forex Trading Strategies welcomes you to 2017 If you want to start online Forex trading in 2017 or just looking for best Forex trading strategies that work . then youve come to the right place. Or if you want to learn Price Action trading then if you click this link, youd be taken to my very comprehensive Price Action Trading Course and yes, its FREE. You have full access to hundreds of free Forex trading strategies and systems for different levels of traders from beginners to veteran traders: How To Create A Solid Forex Strategy One biggest mistake for many new traders is starting to trade Forex without a solid Forex trading strategy. The Forex market is really attractive because it operates 24 hrs a day and you can trade when the market is going up or when the market is going down and in the eagerness to make money, or prove themselves they dive headlong into trading. Does that mean the beginner Forex traders cant make money Yes, you can make money trading Forex8230and its if you are a beginner trader and you get into Forex trading and start making money right away, you should be very careful to let ego overcome you. You can make a fortune trading currencies in the short term but soon this will lead to a bad psychology and trading discipline problems and you8217ll end up blowing up your forex trading account. Good trading discipline, psychology and humility are only achieved through experience. To be successful in Forex trading, you8217v got to have a strategyplan in place which you must follow. Creating or finding a Forex trading strategy is very important as this addresses the following: Reason for taking the trade: why buy or sell And what currency pair Timing of the trade: why buy now should you buy or sell after economic news release Asian session, London session New York session Trading objective: what8217s the profit target What8217s your stop loss Money management How much are you risking per trade Per day Documenting and analyzing your trading results This identifies your strengths are well as weaknesses . What is your reason for entering a trade And there should be a really good reason If you are entering a trade out of boredom or just the need to take a trade for the excitement, this is a recipe for disaster. Nothing feels more worse than entering a trade and watching a trade turn into a loss when you precisely know you should not have taken that trade in the first place Every trade should be taken based on a condition that8217s been stated in your trading strategy, whether it be a technical reason or fundamental reason or both. Follow what your trading strategy says. Free Forex Trading Strategies When selecting which type of forex trading strategy to use, you have two options: You either pay for them You can use any of the free Forex trading strategies on this site and test them out. The trouble with paid Forex trading systems is that: You can spend a lot of money on buying a Forex trading strategy that does not fit your trading style. Later down the line you realize it does not fit your trading personality so you won8217t be using it once your initial fascination starts to wear off. Waste of money. With free Forex trading strategies: You have the option to test them out without paying for them and eventually find a trading system that suits you. Free Forex trading strategies can make money in Forex. With that in mind, this Forex website has hundreds of Forex trading strategies for all kinds of traders from beginners to advanced traders. You may also like these: These Forex trading systems range from simple Forex trading strategies to complex Forex trading systems, from Forex trading strategies for beginners to advanced traders and including Forex price action trading strategies. Here are the 6 different types of Forex trading strategies and systems on this site: Table Of Contents 1. Forex Price Action Trading Strategies These are Forex trading systems that are based on price action. Either they can be pure price action trading, which means they only rely on candlesticks and (or) chart patterns or a combination of other Forex indicators with price action. Yes, you can do currency trading just by looking at the price bars. For a huge and amazing list of free Forex price action trading strategies , click here . You can learn such price action trading systems like: Click here to go to the the price action trading strategies. 2. Forex Scalping Systems The next group of Forex trading strategies on this Forex website are Forex scalping strategies . If you wan8217t to be a forex scalper, you got to find trading systems that you can trade in a much lower timeframe like the 1 minute and the 5 minute timeframes. Forex Scalping Systems Here are the list of forex scalping systems on this site: To check out these free forex scalping trading systems and strategies listed above, click here . Best Forex Scalping Strategies If you are thinking of Forex scalping, you must have balls of steel and really high concentration and don8217t even try to blink too (just kidding). Here are some Forex scalping systems and strategies on this site: What Is Forex Scalping Forex scalping is a day trading technique where Forex trader executes a trade and exit within minutes or seconds on some cases. So essentially, when you a forex scalp trader, you are not looking for big profit targets, you are looking for very small profit targets per trade like 5 pips, 1o pips or even 15 pips. And you are trying to take many trades throughout the trading session with these small profit targets. So what8217 the point of Forex scalping then Well, here8217 the thing: the goal of the FX scalper is to make many trades throughout the trading session and hope that in the end, all those small profits will add up and exceed the trading losses incurred (and take care of spread costs for trading). Many Forex trader do not like Forex scalping because they see no point in going for very small profits and being involved with this kind of high pressure trading environment. But the funny thing is that hare are many trader that do like Forex scalping. If you are interested, this forex website also has forex scalping strategies which you can check them out and try if you like by clicking here. 3. Forex Currency News Trading Strategies Then there are also Forex news trading systems here. If8217 you8217d like to trade non farm payroll or interest rates decisions or employmentunemployment figures that are released monthly, these forex news trading strategies and systems are what you should be using. Trading news can be both profitable and extremely risky as well. If you don8217t know what to do, do not trade news. You can wipe your trading account within a few seconds to minutes because price can move against you so fast you will be caught out. But if you are not using Forex news trading strategies and then these days, its best to check everyday before you trade what major economic news releases are scheduled to be out and then decide if you wait until the news is released then trade or just simply wait for another day. These are Forex trading strategies where you can use to trade forex news: For more information on the news trading strategies, listed above, click here . 4. (Basic) Simple Forex Trading Strategies For Beginners If you are a beginner, having a complex and advanced Forex trading strategy will confuse the heck out of you. Take your time What you need is to start with are basic Forex trading strategies and work your way up from there. These are really easy forex trading strategies. Being a basic Forex trading strategy does not mean they are going to be unprofitable trading systems. Simple here means that the trading rules of these Forex trading strategies are really easy to understand and execute when you are trading. There are not many conditions or rules to confuse you. That8217s why these are suitable forex trading strategies for beginners. for an awesome list of simple forex trading strategies for beginners, click here . These are really simple forex trading systems suitable for beginners who are starting to trade forex. Being simple does not mean that these forex strategies are not profitable. As a matter of fact, simple forex trading systems are much easier to use and can be extremely profitable. Once you get the hang of it, then you can start to develop your own forex trading systems or move on to more advance forex trading strategies and even price action forex trading strategies. If you are a beginner forex trader, you really don8217t want to confuse yourself too much with all the other stuff8230just find a simple forex trading system and demo trade it out for a while. What you will find is that the simplest forex trading systems are the ones that can make money. Find out, stick to it and try to make it work for you by sticking to its trading rules with proper trading risk management. 5. Complex Forex Trading Strategies As you progress up the ladder in your understanding, you8217d come across to complex forex trading strategies and systems. These type of forex trading strategies need a lot more thinking and trading conditions and hence the name-complex trading strategies. 6. Advanced Forex Trading Strategies I don8217t know why I have to put up an 8220Advanced forex trading strategies8221 category but I have so there8217s nothing I can do about it now. Almost similar to complex forex trading strategies, the advanced forex trading strategies do take a bit of getting used to. There can be a lot of conditions to fall into place before you can execute a trade. These forex trading strategies in the advanced category do involved a bit more thinking and they are not so simple if you are new forex trader. Forex Trading strategies like: Cick here to head over to these list of advanced forex trading systems given above. Price Action Trading Price action trading is simply technical analysis trading using the the action of candlesticks, chart patterns, support and resistance levels to execute orders. To be a better price action trading, you need to have a solid understanding of how price action theory and how to trade it in real time. For this reason, I8217ve written a price action trading course. And yes, its not going to cost you anything8230it is absolutely free. Ff you like to to to know how to trade with price action then click this link and you8217d be taken to my forex price action trading course which will teach you to become a better price action trader. In the price action trading course, you learn about such things as: and lots more. Click here to go to this price action trading course. If you8217d like to know the type of forex trading strategy that one newbie forex trader used to make a million dollars in trading forex then read this post I wrote: How Fred Made 1 Million Dollars From 40 Trades In 3 Months-You Wouldnt Believe What Happens Next ) if you want to know how to multiply your forex profits fast then the pyramid trading method is one method you should know and learn how to do it properly. And this is not all, there are: lots of trading tips, trading methods and techniques, forex indicators expert advisors forex articles All you need to do is search the different categories of this website. In here, there8217s hundreds of free forex trading strategies and systems for different levels of traders from beginners to veteran traders. So take your time to explore and I hope that you find the best forex trading strategy that you can use to trade the forex market and many profitable pips to you. 4 Essential Elements Of A Forex Trading Strategy What is a Forex trading strategy (system) A forex trading strategy is simply a set of rules telling you when to buy or sell when certain market conditions are met in order to make a profit. Any forex trading strategy should have these 4 core but basic elements: the condition(s) that should trigger you to buy or sell. where to place your stop loss order , where to place take profit target and the system should have rules on how to manage a trade. That8217s the definition of a what a forex trading strategy is. If a a trading system that does not have any one of these core elements, the you are going to be left confused in implementation. To put simply, forex market can be said to be chaotic. So to have order in a chaotic market, you got to have rules. Forex Strategies Resource There8217s also a lot more Forex strategies resources in this Forex website which includes: Let me give you a brief overview of what is in them8230 Candlesticks And Chart Patterns In here, you have: Forex Trading Videos Watching forex trading videos is one quick way to learn about forex trading as well as to grasp trading concepts much quicker including learning forex trading strategies. Forex Trading Videos in here include the following: Forex Articles Forex Trading Tips Forex MT4 Indicators Forex Trading Signals (FREE) I also provide free forex trading signals. These forex trading signals are based on price action trading setups. It is really becoming on of the popular item on this forex website so I ask you to book mark it or join my email list where you get sent trade setup alerts sent weekly: How it works in the forex trading signals area is that I will post the forex trading signals that may happen during the week giving your the charts and trading setups and how you can trade them. After the week ends, I will give you an update of what happened in the forex trading signal review page. In this way, you can actually see the 8220before8221 and 8220after8221 situation of price action at work and I hope that this will give you a better understanding of trading price action. Forex Trading Strategies That Work Every forex trader is different8230what you like is not what I like. What you think is the best Forex trading strategy for me will not be the same. This question is left for each individual Forex trader. You need to find the Forex trading strategy that fits your trading personality and when you do8230then that would be your best forex trading strategy (in my opinion). Therefore, if you are looking for Forex trading strategies that work . just understand that one system cannot work for all. I may like price action trading but you may like to use indicators in your trading system. You need to research and test and find out what type of forex trading strategies and systems work for you simply because every body is different. I8217f you like moving average forex trading strategies, there8217s lots of them on this site. If you like scalping Forex trading strategies, they are here to. If you like news trading strategies, they are here to. If you like day trading strategies and systems, there are here to. If you like swing trading strategies and system, many of the strategies here are swing trading systems. All you need to do is find one that you like and make that Forex trading strategy work for you. Or if you don8217t find a Forex system that you like but there8217s one that you 8220sort of like8221 but still does not really fit..then why not tweak it Why not change it by combining a few different trading techniques or ideas from 8220this trading system8221 and 8220that trading system8221 and then make a trading system you are satisfied with Nobody8217s going to stop you. Now, lets say that after you8217ve found your Forex strategy that you like8230what do you do next Well, open a demo trading account with a Forex broker and test out the system to see how it works in real live market conditions. That8217s the only way you know how the forex trading system will work. All trading strategies and systems may look nice on this site but if you like on trading system, you really need to test it out. Then once you8217ve are satisfied, then you can start trading with real money. This is where the fun begins8230trading with live money. How many Forex trading strategies do you need If you prefer to trade only one type of trading setup then you8217d only need on forex trading system. But if you like to trade different market conditions then having several solid forex trading systems for each of the different market conditions is essential. if the market is in a trend, then you8217d be using a trend trading system if the market is in consolidation or in a range, you8217d have to use a range trading system if the market is getting to major support or resistance levels, you may have to switch to using a support and resistance trading system. So its really up to the forex trader to decide. If you are beginner forex traders, I suggest you just pick only one forex trading and stick to it. Forex Day Trading Strategies If you are keen on day trading, there are so many forex day trading strategies you can find for free here and adapt them to suit your day trading style. You just have to use your imagination: if a forex trading strategy is based on the daily timeframes, why not change the timeframe down to 15 minutes and see if it works in that smaller scale timeframe as well So if you see a forex trading system saying that 8220its is suitable for trading using only the daily timeframes,8221 that does not mean its written in concrete. You can try that trading strategy in a much smaller timeframe so you can day trade. Forex Trading Basics Trade Forex With a 9-5 Job Similarly, if you are a man with a 9-5 job and trading Forex, sometimes its hard to trade while at work, right Why not find a forex trading strategy that does not take a lot of time and that system is like a 8220SET AND FORGET TRADING SYSTEM.8221 Well, there are forex trading strategies here that fit that criteria8230you only need to trade once a day and check for the setup once a day. If time is what you don8217t have, I believe finding such a forex trading strategy will help you achieve the aim of trading forex while working. Otherwise you will always have to hit the 8220boss key8221 when somebody comes around to your desk at work Swing Trading vs Day Trading Every forex trader is different. Some like trading shorter time frames and keeping their traders open for shorter periods which means day trading technique sort of comes into play here. But then there are forex traders that are swing traders8230 Swing traders are those traders that take a trade and have a much medium to longer term outlook. This means a trade can be opened and it may take a day to week or even months before the trade is closed. Swing traders like to wait for the trade to play out8230how long it might take depends on price action and market movement really. The advantage of swing trading therefore is the fact that, all the minor price fluctuation in smaller timeframes (which is the domain of the day trader) is ignored and a larger long term view is held regarding each trade that is placed. The advantage of swing trading therefore are these: trades held for days, weeks and months mean a lot more profit minor price noise is irrelevant trades are often entered at swing points, which are in most cases, present really low risk, high reward trade entry points. The only main disadvantage of swing trading is you8217ve sometimes have to maintain the trade even in its up and down swings of price as it heads towards your profit target. The advantages of day trading are these: profits or loss realized in a shorter timeframe during the day. much more trading opportunities can be found during the day. The disadvantages of day trading are these: small profits for each trade potential to over-trade high pressure and hectic trading environment and need to be on constant alert to scan your trading charts for setups. Scalping is also a very shorter form of day trading8230it takes minutes or seconds to open can close a trade. Top 10 Forex Swing Trading Strategies Here8217s a list I8217ve made of the top 10 swing trading strategies. Click that link above to check these amazing forex swing trading strategies out. The Best Forex Brokers My general advice is this: find forex brokers that have been established a long time a go and have good reputation and governed by forex regulatory bodies find forex brokers that have offices in reputable countries like in UK, US, Canada and Australia because the regulatory compliance of these countries are much better than others..that8217s why I say that. In the US, a reputable forex broker will be a member of National Futures Association (NFA) and will be registered with the U. Smodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a futures commission merchants and retail foreign exchange dealer. In UK, forex brokers are regulated under the Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) and in Australia, forex brokers are regulated under the ASIC. also select forex brokers which have lower spreads. You trading cost increase if you have trading account with forex brokers that have huge spreads. some forex brokers also have minimum deposit they require before you can trade. Check them out before opening a trading account with them. ease of deposit as withdrawal. how many currency pairs are offered. Best Hours To Trade Forex Opinions may vary but one thing is certain8230its much more easier to make money trading the forex market when the fx market has volatility and momentum. And so the when it comes to that, many forex traders like to trade the forex market during the London Session and the New Your Session. The London forex session is where huge volume of forex transactions are made everyday which is followed next by the New Your Session. In the Asian forex trading session, its is most often characterized by thin volumes during the day. Its best in my opinion to trade forex during the London fx hours or during the New Your forex trading session. Best Currency Pairs To Trade Choosing a currency pair to trade is very important. Here8217s why: some currency pairs do not trend very well some currency pairs only trend well during certain times during the day, for example, london and new your trading session. some currency pairs have very large spreads in excess of 3-5 pips with some forex brokers and if you trade one standard contract, that8217s roughly 10-50 loss right away after you enter a trade and price has to move by this much in the direction of your trade to make that trade breakeven. some currency pairs have very choppy characteristics which means they have tendency to spike and if your stop loss is too close, you8217ll get stopped out How Often Do You Have To Trade WILL YOU HOLD POSITIONS FOR A LONG TIME OR WILL YOU BE A DAY TRADER Most traders are not full time traders because most will have day jobs while trading and this will often determine the type of trading a trader does from being a day trader to holding positions for a long time like a swing trader. For some, because the forex currency market operates 24hrs during the day, they can trade after work for a few minutes or hours each day. Your End Goal In Forex Trading Forex Trading Strategies Success Belongs To You What is your profit target, what is your stop loss, how are your going to manage a profitable trade Nothing is more frustrating than seeing a positive trade turn into negative and eventually into a loss. That8217s why Its important to place take profit targets, your stop loss and also you plan of trailing stop activation: when and on what condition you are going to activate it. Setting profit targets also helps you stop taking very little profits TOO EARLY. Price will go where it wants to go. So if you have a buy trade, don8217t think it will go up. That8217s why you need a stop loss. Stop loss creates discipline and DON8217T MOVE YOUR STOP LOSS as price heads to it8230take that small loss instead a a big loss. There8217s another day to trade tomorrow. Trade for the long term8230don8217t trade like there8217s not tomorrow. Holy Grail Of Forex Trading The holy grail of Forex trading is money management . Sometimes called Trading Risk Management. You get this one right by being disciplined and doing the right thing and what you will see it that it8217s only a matter of time before you will start making good money trading forex. What blows millions of forex trading accounts is Money Management. So doesn8217t it make sense to grow yourself in getting this right You see, no forex trading strategy will give you 100 success rate. None. Once a trade is placed, the outcome that you want is not guaranteed because you can8217t control the market price and where its going to go next You are at the mercy of market forces of supply and demand buyers and sellers. But what you can control is RISK. That8217s the only thing you have absolute control over in a trade8230your trading risk. You decide how much of your account you are going to risk in a trade. Forex Trading Software These days, when you talk about Forex trading software, it can be: What are expert advisors Expert advisors are trading systems coded so that this program can buy or sell without any human intervention. If you have a forex trading strategy with clear rules on when to buy and sell, it can be programmed into an expert advisor. Now, forex indicators, on the other hands are tools that that you often find on your trading platforms that assist you making a decision to buy or sell. Moving averages, Stochastics, MACD, just to name a few, are forex indicators. Now, when you open a demo account or a real live account with a forex broker, the software that you use to buy or sell is called the trading platform. Many forex brokers these days also provide the Metatrader4 trading platform. The MT4 platform is a software that is easy to download and it my opinion, one of the very easiest to understand and use. You will in no time at all understand how to use the MT4 trading platform and off course, its free to use as well provided by the forex broker. Be A Profitable Forex Trader Many traders make and lose a lot of money trading Forex. Why because the human emotion is involved8230greed and fear come into play. When your real money is on the line, you8217d tend to do things you8217d never do while you8217d demo trade. The temptation to trade a lot and make a lot of money 8220right now8221 is one biggest killer of forex trading acccounts. It all comes down to controlling and managing your risk. Failure of this and you will not last long in trading forex online. Can you make money trading Forex Yes and No. This is not a surprising answer. You can definitely make money. And also you can lose a lot of money. The secret to making money in forex trading is managing your trading risk and finding a forex trading strategy that fit you. Everything else is irrelaveant. If you can control your emotion and manage your trading risk, you will do well. Yes, if you manage your trading risk and have balls of steel8230Really, you can be profitable if you eliminate those things that sabbotage your forex trading like: over trading risking too much not following your forex trading system8217s rules not following your trading risk management plan that you had. not waiting for the right trading setups to happen before taking a trade because you are in a 8220rush8221 to take a trade Its these things that will make you an unprofitable Forex trader and you can lose a lot of money if not controlled. There8217s a saying 8221 I8217ve seen the enemy8230and its me.8221 This is very true in Forex trading. You are your worst enemy when it come to Forex trading. If you are new trader, you will see this and think I8217m lying8230 But wait till you8217ve trade real money for a while and you will know what I just said is true. How much do you risk per trade There8217s so many schools of thought about how much risk one should risk per trade. But remember this: if you risk more of your account in a single trade, it would not take long before you can wipe out your forex trading account but on the other hand, you can make a lot of money if the trade goes right. But you are trading forex for the long term, it makes complete sense to risk a small percentage of your trading account in each trade. The reason is simple: its would take so many losing streaks to blow your forex trading account. So what8217s the best risk I8217d say stick to 1-2 of your account in each trade. You may even go up as 5 risk per trade. But remember, with a 5 risk per trade, all it would take is 20 consecutive losing trades and your account will be wiped out. The more you risk the more you lose or you can make more. You play this risk management game right and you can be making a tonne of money trading forex. Trade Forex From Your Home The beauty about Forex trading these days is as long as you have an internet connection and you have a laptopcomputer or iphoneipad, you can literally trade from anywhere in the world. The currency market is at your fingertips in other words. Which means, if you are housewife reading this, you can trade too. There are forex trading strategies on this site that allow you to take ONLY ONE TRADE A DAY and you only need to check the trading setup once a day. Forex Trading Course (FREE FOREX COURSE) There are many website that are selling Forex courses online. I know some of you don8217t have the money to spend on such paid Forex training courses. So I put together something I would have wanted as a beginner Forex trader. I spent a lot of time making up a free Forex trading course for you. All you need to do is click this link: Forex trading course . This Forex trading course covers most of the essential things you need to know before you start trading Forex. Apart from this Forex course. have a look around on this site, there are so many strategies and trading tips and articles that can help you as a Forex trader. It means the world to me if you can share this website with your friends and fans on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, or whatever trading forum you are on because you are benefiting from the free information I8217m providing here and your friends will really thank you for showing them this free forex trading strategies site as well.

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